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h6. At Entrepreneur 27 we aim to:

* Create an open forum for the stimulation and exchange of ideas.
* Generate opportunities to learn and inspire each other.
* Promote entrepreneurship in the technology area.

h6. Things to do

* “Sign up for our mailing list to stay up to date with our latest events.”:http://entrepreneur27.org/mailing
* “Submit yourself”:http://entrepreneur27.org/contact to our “entrepreneurs list”:/entrepreneurs.

h6. Chapters

* “E27 Singapore”:http://entrepreneur27.org/sg/
* “Start one in your city”:http://www.entrepreneur27.org/misc/chapter

h6. Events

Feed me
* Browser Wars on Feb 28

h6. Links

“Community Next”:http://www.communitynext.com the Present and Future of Online Communities
“Women 2.0”:http://www.women2.org The Next Generation of Entrepreneurs

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