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Kahenya Kamunyu

*Email*: me | kahenya | com
*Phone*: +447756937018
*Company*: konektmojo
*Sites*: “Kahenya”:http://www.kahenya.com (my partially unoriginal blog), “konektmojo”:http://www.konektmojo.com (Beta Testing)
*Interests*: Offering Development Capital to Online Business mainly in 3rd World and Developing Countries, Creating and playing with new technologies, Online Youth Media, exploring alternative business models
*Looking for*: Meeting up with (very) passionate entrepreneurs, Brainstomers, people who want to participate in our (I have to admit) weird partnership model, Music guys who can’t afford to to do big marketing things, guys into developing animated movies, and people who are not scared of being free and expressing themselves. Possibly much more…

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